How to apply Symphony of the Cells™ to your self

Over the last year, one of the major themes has been self-care and finding ways to take care of yourself! Setting aside time to care for yourself, physically and mentally, is so important! Doing so can help you experience greater balance in all aspects of your health and wellness. One way you can practice such self-care is through using Symphony of the Cells™ essential oil applications.

How To: SOC Self Application 

You may be asking yourself, don’t I need someone else to perform the application on me? The answer is no! Self-application is absolutely possible. First, decide which application is best for you and your needs. For example, if you are experiencing indigestion, you can identify the body system involved. In this case, the digestive system. Turn to your SOC literature to see the applications best served for the digestive system. Then, apply and layer each essential oil listed anywhere you can reach on your back and to the bottoms of your feet.

Track Your Progress

As you use and apply SOC to benefit yourself, take note of the changes you experience, both physically and emotionally. You will notice which applications and essential oils quickly become your favorites. Stick to those for a time, then switch it up, and don’t forget to pat yourself on the back for taking the time to take care of you


Symphony of the Cells™ For Energy


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